Capcanele Limbii Engleze Larousse (Editura: Meteor Press ISBN 9786069101759)
Capcanele limbii engleze de Larousse
Capcanele limbii engleze vi se adreseaza daca:
• vreti sa rememorati rapid dificultatile cele mai insemnate ale limbii engleze inaintea unui examen;
• va aflati in strainatate si aveti nevoie de o scurta revizuire a regulilor de gramatica ale limbii engleze ca sa comunicati corect;
• nu va mai amintiti daca trebuie sa spuneti I’ve been to London sau I went to London;
• ati uitat diferenta dintre must si ought to.
Capcanele limbii engleze va ofera:
• un raspuns clar si prompt la toate intrebarile si indoielile voastre, intr-un format practic;
• problemele esentiale ale gramaticii limbii engleze;
• principalele phrasal verbs, insotite de exemple si de traducerea lor;
• fise pentru revizuirea celor mai utile cuvinte necesare unei exprimari corecte.
Capcanele limbii engleze... De ce acest titlu?
Pentru ca aceasta carte va va ajuta:
• sa revizuiti regulile fundamentale ale gramaticii engleze;
• sa evitati cele mai frecvente greseli si cele mai perfide capcane;
• sa conjugati verbele fara nicio ezitare;
• sa va exprimati la fel de bine in scris si in vorbire.
Pitfalls of the English Language suits you if:
you want to recall the most important difficulties in English before an exam;
you are abroad and you need a short review of the grammar rules of English in order to communicate correctly;
you don’t remember if you have to say I’ve been to London or I went to London;
you forgot the difference between must and ought to.
Pitfalls of the English Language offers:
clear and immediate answers to all your questions and doubts in a practical format;
the essentials of English grammar;
the main phrasal verbs accompanied by examples and translations;
reviews containing the most useful words needed to communicate properly.
Pitfalls of the English Language... Why this title?
Because this book will help you to:
review the basic grammar rules;
avoid the most common mistakes and the most subtle pitfalls;
conjugate verbs without hesitation;
speak and write correctly.
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-- 149,00 lei
- 115,00 lei
- 42,00 lei